PreHabilitation is a form of strength training that can both decrease the incidences of injuries over time and also help prepare someone for an efficient recovery during a scheduled rehabilitation period.
Designing a malleable program focusing directly on sport, athletic, and personal kinesthetic capacity helps to ameliorate repetitive and overused movement patterns. Addressing personal movement patterns and specific sport/athletic imbalances can increase both longevity and performance. By staving off major/minor injuries PreHab can dramatically help supplement a current training program for both full time and part time athletes alike.
PreHab is also highly recommended for anyone who has a scheduled recovery in the near future. By focusing on a movement program that addresses current needs as well as anticipating the needs crucial to recovery PreHab definitively bolsters recuperation. The stronger you are before a surgery, birth, or scheduled hiatus, the easier and more efficient your recovery.
Nucleus Strength has the expertise, experience, and equipment needed to help you prepare to both excel and recover.