Resistance Training
Resistance training is scientifically proven to be extremely beneficial to your overall health and well being. Weight lifting is also one of the oldest known methods of physical exercise and developed independently across many cultures throughout recorded history. By increasing your capacity to move external objects (aka: weights) you directly stimulate your cardiopulmonary system and unite your body into a uniform and fully functioning self.
Personal Training
Personal Training helps to increase your physical output. The goal is to tap into your potential by encouraging your heart rate and lung capacity to grow exponentially. The exercises vary greatly but at their core they all strive to challenge and unite your complete system and therefore stimulate growth on a global scale. Unlike Yoga, Pilates, etc. Personal Training’s goal is to elevate the heart rate as a direct means of fortifying your whole being.
Modern Barre
Modern Barre focuses on both internal form and external objectives. A secure, stationary, Double Barre allows people of different heights/dimensions to simultaneously focus on both form and execution. Modern Barre utilizes three dimensional movement patters, often incorporating external resistance, to achieve an elevated heart rate while learning grounded functional exercises.